Product Design Intern @Mekka Lab

-- "How might we help NFT collections build their staking platforms?"

My Role:
Product Design Intern

My Contribution:
Design Research, UX Design, UI Design

2-6 weeks per project

Product Designer: Blake Yan
Product Manager: Mike, Shengwen Lin
Software Engineer: Vito and his team

1* About Mekka Lab

Mekka Lab is a web3 company that develops secure, user-friendly solutions for the Solana NFT ecosystem. The staking platform Mekka Lab developed for ASTRALS has been cited as having the best NFT staking experience on Solana. Mekka Lab is also building decentralized autonomous organization platforms, discord bots that hook up to web3 applications, and more. Mekka Lab is always innovating and building solutions to the biggest challenges in the space.

- What is Web 3?

Web3 is an idea for a new iteration of the World Wide Web which incorporates concepts such as decentralization, blockchain technologies, and token-based economics (Web 1.0: consumer-faced static pages; Web 2.0: user-created platforms and services).

- What is NFT?

A non-fungible token (NFT) is a unique digital identifier that cannot be copied, substituted, or subdivided, that is recorded in a blockchain, and that is used to certify authenticity and ownership. Digital art is a common use case for NFTs.

2* The impacts I made:

- Increase site building efficiency

Launched a user-friendly site builder to create NFT staking platforms

- Reach customized clients’ goals

Designed customized NFT staking platforms for several NFT collections

- Bring design culture to the team

Helped team members understand the importance of design process

3* A glimpse of my work

Project 1: Sugar Realm Stake

I designed the NFT staking platform for Sugar Realm. Sugar Realm is an RNG based top-down RPG game, utilizing NFT collections and a P2E system. Hero of the game is a sugar glider fighting against the evil cats that are in possession of everything, sharing nothing.


NFT is not a mature system with a long operation history. As a result, there're a lot of issues. One of the most critical issues is that NFT collections lack liquidity and stability. Many NFT owners tend to sell their NFTs once the price looks fine. Thus, more NFTs are on the secondary market and NFT creators are less likely to release and maintain NFTs in the primary market. It's also not good for the whole ecology from the system perspective.

🤔 Design Challenge 🤔

help NFT creators increase value of their NFT collections,
and provide NFT owners with a new application to play with their NFTs?

Let's see what I've done!


NFT staking shares a similar mechanism with bank deposit. NFT owners stake their NFTs on a NFT staking platform provided by NFT collection, and gain interest or rewards as payback. And NFT collections can increase the value and stability in this way.

It's not a mature business and is still under exploration, which provides an opportunity for us, Mekka Lab, to provide better and customized user experience.

💡 Design Solution 💡

A customized NFT staking platform that
helps NFT creators increase value as well as stability of NFT collections,
and enables NFT owners to gain interest or rewards with their NFTs.

Project 2: Mekka Stake

We have created several staking platforms for multiple NFT collections like Sugar Realm. We realized it’s not a sustainable way and a lot of our clients share similar needs. That’s why Mekka Stake project is initiated. We tried to create a site builder and transferring our customized and Irreproducible service into modular and reproducible approach. I mainly engaged in the design process of Admin site by delivering competitive analysis, information architecture, UX design and several UI design.

Have any feedback?
Want to know more design details or design process?
Feel free to let me know! 📧

Contact Me

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