Financial & Logistics Management @Alibaba

-- How might we build management system for Vietnam in limited time?

My Role:
UX Designer

My Contribution:
Prototype, Design Iterations

Three weeks

Team: International Logistics R & D Team
(Including Product Manager, Full-stack Developers, and Marketing Experts)

*01 Background

Alibaba Group is one of the world's largest tech companies. During my summer UX Design internship within the Alibaba International Digital Business Group, I had the opportunity to work extensively on, a leading global B2B e-commerce platform. Throughout my internship, I actively contributed to various projects geared towards improving the overall supplier experience by introducing innovative features and enhancements in trade, logistics, and financial management.

*02 Product Goal has already established a robust product and service ecosystem for suppliers in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan to expand their global reach. With distinct management solutions for these regions, our next venture is to empower Vietnamese suppliers to connect with global buyers through Vietnam. Based on the version of product we've already established for Mainland China and the version for Hong Kong, Our project goal is to...

Create the MVP version of Vietnam,
offering Vietnamese suppliers a user-friendly shipping, logistics, and financial management platform to enhance their global business experience.

*03 Main Challenge

In the realm of international B2B e-commerce, suppliers often grapple with the management of multiple orders. Simultaneously, their customers frequently require shipment tracking information. This necessitates a high-frequency demand for shipment tracking services. Moreover, international B2B logistics presents a significantly more intricate landscape compared to domestic B2C logistics. It encompasses multiple shipment methods, extended shipment timelines, and complexities such as customs declarations, foreign exchange considerations, tax refunds, and other multifaceted factors. So, our design challenge is:

Version Inconsistency

Despite having two existing versions, there are notable inconsistencies in both design and functionality.

Multilingual Complexity

Navigating the intricacies of different languages with varying grammatical structures and rules.

Diverse Design Systems

Ensuring consistency becomes challenging as different design systems are employed across features.

*04 Key Deliverable

Shipping Portal

After buyers complete payments, suppliers initiate the shipping process, often handling multiple batches. I created a comprehensive shipping portal that simplifies this workflow, allowing suppliers to associate shipments with logistics plans and vouchers.

Logistics Management

Managing global logistics, with various transportation modes and tailored shipping methods, can be challenging. My contribution encompasses over 10 pages of features, such as shipping templates, logistics planning tools, and efficient order management.

Financial Management

In the global B2B e-commerce landscape, effective financial management is crucial due to extended trade cycles and multiple currencies. I contributed by developing approximately 15 pages of financial tools, including dashboards, funds management, forex receipts, money withdrawal, and account management.

🤐 #NDA AREA# 🤐
If you want to know more about the project,
please feel free to reach out for more details :)

*05 Impact 🤩


The project aimed to facilitate trade volumes exceeding $10 million with its MVP version, serving as a cornerstone for substantial economic transactions.

0 to 1

From project inception (0) to the creation of both MVP and 2.0 versions, I provided comprehensive leadership. This ensured a successful and timely project launch.


This project consistently follows the latest design system, promoting uniformity across all features and pages, addressing deviations in existing versions.

*06 What I'd love to improve...

1. Considering the Nuances of VIETNAMESE SUPPLIERS

Due to time constraints and limited research resources, I couldn't delve deeply into the unique characteristics of Vietnamese suppliers. With more time at hand, I would undoubtedly invest in further exploration to better understand and cater to their specific needs.


While working exclusively on the English version of the project due to awaiting Vietnamese translation, I realized the intriguing potential of the multilingual interface design domain. Different language grammatical rules impact layouts, and cultural language aspects influence expression. I'm eager to explore this fascinating realm further in future projects.

Contact Me

Want to know more about my projects? Feel free to reach out!