B2B Shipment Tracking Tool @Alibaba

-- "How might we create a seamless shipment tracking experience for B2B E-commerce?"

My Role:
UX Design Intern

My Contribution:
User Research, Competitive Analysis, Prototype, Design Iterations

4 weeks

Alibaba.com International Logistics R & D Team
(Including Product Manager, Full-stack Developers, and Marketing Experts)

01* Background

Alibaba Group is one of the world's largest tech companies. During my summer UX Design internship within the Alibaba International Digital Business Group, I had the opportunity to work extensively on Alibaba.com, a leading global B2B e-commerce platform. Throughout my internship, I actively contributed to various projects geared towards improving the overall supplier experience by introducing innovative features and enhancements in trade, logistics, and financial management.

02* Design Challenge

In the realm of international B2B e-commerce, suppliers often grapple with the management of multiple orders. Simultaneously, their customers frequently require shipment tracking information. This necessitates a high-frequency demand for shipment tracking services. Moreover, international B2B logistics presents a significantly more intricate landscape compared to domestic B2C logistics. It encompasses multiple shipment methods, extended shipment timelines, and complexities such as customs declarations, foreign exchange considerations, tax refunds, and other multifaceted factors. So, our design challenge is...

optimize international B2B shipment tracking amidst complex logistics
to improve the supplier and customer experience?

03* Key Solutions

Visualize shipment, in a better structure

Shipment tracking is the cornerstone of the user journey. It organizes the multitude of international B2B logistics tracking details into a concise, user-friendly experience. With a crystal-clear information hierarchy and prominent key points, users can instantly grasp the essentials and effortlessly delve into the finer details of their shipments.

Share tracking, with no worries

Whether it's for business partners or customers, our platform offers various sharing options tailored to different needs. Users can easily preview and customize the shared content, even selecting different languages to cater to diverse audiences. Plus, we've integrated branding elements to subtly convey the value of Alibaba.com Logistics.

Manage tracking, more than just history

In the realm of B2B logistics, information depth and historical data are paramount. Our tracking management page isn't just about recording history; it's a robust tool for viewing, editing, and sharing your tracking history. It provides a stable and organized hub where users can effortlessly manage their intricate web of logistics data.

Adapt to all, both PC and mobile

Business doesn't stop when customers switch devices. Our platform adapt to all customer needs, whether on a PC or a mobile device. Whether you're tracking shipments, managing tracking records, or sharing vital information, our website and mobile versions ensure you have the same powerful capabilities, regardless of your preferred platform. Stay connected, stay efficient, and stay on top of your logistics game, no matter where you are.

🤐 #NDA AREA# 🤐
If you want to know more about the project,
please feel free to reach out for more details :)

04* Impact 🤩


The shipment tracking tool serves a wide user base of more than 30,000 suppliers and their customers, offering a perfect shipment tracking experience.


The final version of the tool has doubled the efficiency to browse shipment details information. A remarkable 26% increase in overall user satisfaction has been achieved.


The shipment details component has been integrated into our design system and will be applied to similar features across all Alibaba.com logistics products.

“It's an impressive case study that initially starts with a narrow design space. But through extensive research, Yuchuan effectively expands its impact.”
-- Gugu, Senior UX Designer@Alibaba

05* Takeaway 🍰

1. Every Project Holds UNTAPPED POTENTIAL

No project is too small to yield significant insights and innovations. Even seemingly routine components, like tracking details, can become sources of creativity and improvement. By delving deep into research and analysis, I transformed a seemingly ordinary component into a powerful design solution. This approach not only enhanced the user experience but also established a valuable design standard applied across all the Alibaba.com logistics products.

2. EMBRACE IMPERFECTIONS in the Design Process

While school projects often adhere to idealized design processes and methodologies, real-world projects rarely follow a perfect script. In the face of practical constraints, we must remain flexible and adaptable to navigate the complexities of design. Real-life scenarios demand a creative, agile approach to problem-solving.

3. PROACTIVITY Unlocks Resources

Resources like funding, research support, and engineering expertise are finite. While many projects may start with limited resources, the key lies in actively seeking out opportunities and making the most of what's available. Being proactive is the catalyst for resource expansion.

Contact Me

Want to know more about my projects? Feel free to reach out!